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'The talk'
Black History Month has been and gone, but we, like many agree, that this should be a 12 month focus. Black History is British History and should take its place at the heart of our curriculum.
In 2021 we will be launching 'The Talk', a short film that has been produced as a resource for teachers and educational leaders. The film has been created to shine a light on the unconscious bias within our education system and furthermore highlight the institutional racism that in some cases still exists within schools today.
We are delighted to bring in our very own Musical Theatre Company Co-Director Shanté, who will be working with professional actor Nadia as well as our young people to bring the piece to life.
It is time 'The Talk' was heard and seen beyond the four walls it sadly exists.
Dance and Theatre Company auditions 2022
Dance Company:
If you are a young dancer aged 14-25 or know someone who is please get in touch & help us continue to develop original dance here in Luton with homegrown talent.
Theatre Company:
Winners of the Brighton Fringe award for Outstanding Theatre.