NGYT Musical Theatre Company (classes for ages 6-18)
Through weekly musical theatre classes this company for children and young people aged 6-18 develops skills including acting, singing and dancing.
As well as learning choreography and songs from well known musicals we also actively develop the creativity of our young people and encourage and support them to contribute their own ideas to the creation of the company's own original musicals.
In addition to learning the performance skills required for musical theatre, improving self esteem and confidence and having fun is at the heart of all we do.
The company often rehearse as a whole ensemble however sometimes are split into age groups to enable us to focus on specific more age appropriate material and skills.
Our Musical Theatre Company are given performance opportunities throughout the year through in house performances and at community events. Once a year at a Luton theatre venue (such as the Hancox Theatre, Lea Manor) we also put on our own co-devised musical for public audiences.
Our past productions