My home, my kingdom, my castle
Written by David Lloyd
Directed by Laura Lloyd
Performed on 10th October 2018 at Luton Mall
for Signposts' World Homelessness Day Event
and again at The Queen's Award for Voluntary Service Ceremony.
Tickets: Free
'This is our story, from our head and our heart
Behind most windows are where most stories start
But not every story is what it seems
not every story's made in a bed full of dreams
Sometimes our stories are formed from outside
On a friends sofa or a place I just hide
No windows, no doors, no key in the latch
No perfect picture, picket fence, pretty thatch
No dog on the mat or corner to snuggle
No kingdom, no castle, no homecoming cuddle
Yet HERE I discovered my own special place
Beyond the past I remember and the past that I faced
I came to discover a place I could just be
Signposted so brightly was a place to be me"
Photos by the incredibly talented Greta Zabulyte