Review: The Butterfly Catcher
From the 25th – 28th May 2015, our NGYT theatre company had the privileged of performing our original musical at the Brighton Fringe Festival. We received some amazing response and two 5* and one 4* reviews.
Fringe Review said: “The director has lit a fire under this cast and they flare up with commitment and focus and then blaze forth with passion and community.”
The latest said: “Passionately performed by a totally invested and talented cast.”
Broadway baby said: “There was not a weak link in the cast, and their passion, energy and emotion was palpable.”
To read the full reviews click on the links below.
Review: In Doing Nothing I Found Me
"Identity crisis is the theme in the latest play staged by Luton’s band of young thespians. In Doing Nothing I Found Me was staged at the Hat Factory earlier this month by Next generation Youth Theatre. At times abstract and darkly comic, it tells the story of a Luton teenager at odds with the world – who retreats into his bedroom, tucked up in his pyjamas – away from all the pressures of being a teenager.
The set has a clever minimalist style, trebling up as Peter’s bedroom, the settings of his dreams, and the universe of social media. Quite what triggers Peter’s motives – and what ultimately lifts him back out of depression – is hard to say, but it’s a journey of self-discovery where worries and nightmares are perhaps more real to him than the world outside.
Hats off to writer and director David Lloyd and all the talented cast of Next Generation Youth Theatre for another insightful look at what it means to be a teenager in the modern age.
Let’s hope we can get an encore performance sometime again this year!"
Review: The Little Things
"The Next Generation Youth Theatre made a big song and dance about The Little Things at the Hat Factory on Tuesday (May 28). The Little Things was a spirited and well-humoured reminder to stop and smell the roses – and pop the bubble wrap. With a swagger as cool as the other side of the pillow, the show warned us that we are often guilty of ignoring some of the essential pieces of life’s puzzle. Grievances like a dripping tap, Post Office queues and crumbs in the butter don’t go unnoticed, either. Set to gramophone love songs from days gone by, the young dancers strive to value all these little things and more before they grow old.
The show was a brave amalgamation of energetic dance and mischevious stage direction that was a delight to watch. The cast demonstrated the ability to involve the audience in their warm-hearted jokes, and showed a grasp of comic timing far beyond their tender years. These youngsters have chemistry and can make us laugh, but it must also be noted that they’re undeniably good dancers. All with a bright future ahead of them if they want it, these starlets stamped their own character onto every leap, kick and twirl. And what show is complete without a young man dancing with a toilet seat?
The charmingly choreographed production was executed by a talented and impassioned cast that were clearly enjoying themselves. Mostly playful in tone, the performance ends on a stirring and effective note on mortality. The audience took home the valuable lesson that if you don’t appreciate the little things, you face losing them down the back of the sofa.
The Youth Theatre’s drama class children opened the show with a performance titled ‘I Wish I Could Say’. It was a touching multilogue about self-expression told honestly and creatively with angst, vivacity and cultural references."